Genesis Finding Our Roots

Genesis Finding Our Roots

by Ruth Beechick


Teaching about Creation Science? Start with this beautifully illustrated thorough study of Genesis 1 to 11. Homeschool friendly, it is divided into 6 units, containing Scripture text, a Scripture study, topics for study, activities, writing, and correlated reading. Written by Dr. Ruth Beechick, this course is a firm foundation for a christian worldview. This book can be used as an independent study for a teen or as a family read aloud.

“Here’s a big "woo-hoo!" for Genesis Finding Our Roots and Adam and His Kin. We started this school year with Creation and are using these two books to help our studies. I am really enjoying them—and so are the kids. Genesis is packed with lots of information and Adam reads like a story book. I really appreciate that in Genesis, she has word studies, so the kids get introduced to the original meanings of words. These are well worth the money—more like an investment. Teaching our kids the Word is always worth the time and money—right?”

Publisher: Arrow Press
ISBN: 9780940319110
Edition: 1997
Product: DSB600
Format: Hardback
Size: 7.625" x 10"
Pages: 112

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